Your financial well being affects almost all aspects of your life; and your credit report and your credit score are tools you can use to measure your financial health - you can view these as similar to a report card and your financial GPA. The Credit Rent Boost blog will offer you information about all aspects of your credit report and score. You will find articles about how to improve your score, the financial items that make up your score, how reporting your rent payments can improve your creditworthiness and your credit score, the benefits of a better credit score, other subject matter related to real estate in general, and so much more.

How Long Does It Take to Build Good Credit From Scratch?

In order to build a proper credit score, all you need is proper discipline and patience. It isn’t something that is going to happen over a night or over a week. But certainly there are a few steps that you can always do in order to speed up the entire credit making process and be […]

How To Raise Credit Score 100 Points Overnight?

You can only raise credit score 100 points overnight only if you are a real victim of identity theft. Adding 100 points to your credit score overnight is somewhat unrealistic. However, the good news, you can start getting the results in as low as a month or two, depending on what situation you are in. […]

Do Credit Repair Companies Work Really?

If you’ve ever watched late-night TV shows or listened to any radio commercials, there are high chances that you have seen or heard ads stating that credit repair companies work for real. You might be even wondering about the ads that claim to repair or improve your credit history. If you hear things such as, […]

How Does Credit Repair Work

How does credit repair work? This question has been asked numerous times especially by those people whose credit history has fallen badly on the hard times and the ones who are ready to get their finances back on the proper track. The process of credit repair focuses on making sure that your credit score is […]

How Do Legitimate Credit Repair Companies Work

How Do Legitimate Credit Repair Companies Work While repairing your credit score on your own is very much possible, searching through the reports line by line to get hold of a single piece of incorrect information can be really tedious work. It is far easy and much less of a headache, to hire legitimate credit […]

12 Ways to Quickly Improve Credit Score

Credit scores have always been considered as metrics that are awfully confusing or misunderstood. This is due to the fact that credit reports are based on such minute details that are likely to be overlooked. Here are some possible ways how to build credit or quickly improve your score: Keep an Eye on Your Credit […]

Everything You Need to Know About Credit Reports

What is a Credit Report? A credit report is an accurate representation of an individual’s credit history. But to grasp the concept of credit reports better, you first need to have an initial understanding of what credit reports are. Your credit reports are based on metrics used to establish your current financial standing and credibility […]

What Landlords Really Look For in a Credit Check

The first priority of a landlord or a person acting on behalf of a landlord is to establish the credibility of a prospective tenant, they need to count on tenant rent payments to be on time.  One convenient way to accomplish this task is to examine the credit report of a potential tenant as part […]

How Rent Can Boost Credit Scores if Landlords willing To Help

If there is one major expense that recurs incessantly it would be your rent bill which is generally paid on a monthly basis. However, rent does not always play a part when it comes to determining your credit scores. The reason behind it is that rent payments are not regularly reported to the relevant credit […]

3 Simplet Tips To Increase Your Credit Score By 100 Points


Today let’s learn to fix credit reports, staying in optimum credit limit and creating a routine of on-time payments within a short span of time.   It’s essential to build a good credit score to qualify for the loans you want. When you do,  you get lower interest rates, better car insurance rates, and one […]